Editorial Guidelines And Conditions For Submission Of FundingVoice Articles

Editorial guidelines for FundingVoice magazine.We like to invite articles for inclusion in FundingVoice magazine, from experts within relevant sectors.

Terms And Conditions For Article Submission

By submitting an article to FundInvoice LLP, you are confirming your acceptance of the following terms and conditions for article submission:

  1. You are granting and assigning the entire copyright of the article, and any submitted images, logos or videos, to FundInvoice LLP (the publishers of FundingVoice magazine and this website).

  2. You have ensured that you have the right to assign the copyright of the article and that the article contains no information that needs to be withheld from publication.

  3. You agree to indemnify and hold FundInvoice LLP harmless in respect of any claim for plagiarism, libel, slander, unlawfulness, invasion of privacy or copyright infringement that is upheld by a court, in respect of the article. FundInvoice LLP will also not be liable to you for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims which arise out of, or in connection with, the publication of the article.

  4. FundInvoice LLP may edit the article, at its own discretion.

  5. Should third parties contact you via contact details within the article, or a response link within the article, they should be treated as customers introduced by FundInvoice LLP. However, you shall retain full responsibility to assess the suitability and creditworthiness of any new customer. FundInvoice LLP will have no obligation to verify the credit rating of, or other information with respect to, any customer and FundInvoice LLP makes no representation or warranty to the Provider with respect to any customer. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing FundInvoice LLP will have no liability whatsoever in respect of any act omission wrongdoing neglect or any default howsoever arising on the part of the customer.

  6. Where you have an existing agreement with FundInvoice LLP for the supply of brokerage services, the terms of that agreement will continue to apply in addition to these terms and conditions.

Editorial Guidelines

We do not charge for the inclusion of an article, but we do ask that articles follow our editorial guidelines:

  • The e-magazine is sent out every few months, deadlines for the inclusion of copy can be provided on request.

  • FundingVoice is emailed to our prospect database of thousands of SME businesses.

  • Articles need to contribute to the theme of the publication. The magazine includes research, tips, articles and advice from experts about improving the cash flow of your business, invoice finance and getting access to funding. The magazine does not deal with regulated products.

  • The article must be unique and must not be reused on any other website.

  • We include a response link on all articles, so that respondents can send either a standard application (see this: example of a standard application form, unfortunately, we can only change the wording at the top of the form and the logo) direct to the author, or request a call back (you can choose). We just ask that any introductions received are treated as introductions from FundInvoice LLP. We will need between 1 and 3 email addresses from you to receive any submitted applications or requests.

  • We encourage contributors to try and make the articles "helpful" to the reader, rather than just being a straight sales pitch. 

  • There is no real limitation or a minimum number of words. A few hundred, maximum, probably works quite well. The title and the first 50, or so, will appear in the email, so it's best to make those count! 

  • The article needs a title, the maximum length is 61 characters and we normally include a reference to the author in that title e.g. "Invoice Finance by FundInvoice".

  • The articles are also posted on our site, readers click through from the email to the article on the site to read more. This means that articles can also be found by web visitors.

  • FundInvoice LLP would retain the rights to any article that is submitted but we have no problem with you reusing it elsewhere.

  • No links, or contact details, are allowed in the articles but, we will include a response link as above.

  • We keep the "voice" of our publication very positive i.e. we don't put anything negative about particular providers or segments of providers.

  • Contributors can include a logo and or photos.

If you would like us to include an article in FundingVoice please get in touch.

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Examples of funders we work with:

pulse cashflow finance
giant finance
leumi abl