• Invoice Finance Against Sales For Call Centre Staff

    Invoice finance for call centre staff invoices.

    We have been helping a client find invoice finance against their invoices to a call centre, in respect of call centre staff to support the Covid-19 crisis. Recruitment of temporary staff to support such work is in demand at present. We have been able to introduce them to an invoice finance company that is happy to fund these types of invoices.


    Invoice finance is available to companies that offer credit terms to other businesses that they sell to. It provides prepayments against your invoices so that you don't have to wait for customers to pay before you can use that cash. This can significantly improve your company's cash flow. The funder can also provide credit control services as an option if you wish.

    Invoice Finance Against Invoices

    Call Centres For Covid-19

    This particular enquiry related to the provision of call centre staff for use in respect of government contracts, which related to the management of the current coronavirus outbreak. Whilst this is one small part of their activities, it is in demand at present as it forms a critical part of the Government's response to the virus outbreak.

    Funding Invoices

    If you are invoicing similar debtors, and you could benefit from being able to access the majority of the value of those invoices immediately, we can connect you with an invoice finance company that is happy to provide funding against such invoices. Please call us on 03330 113622 for assistance.

    More information about: How Invoice Finance Works.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
leumi abl
giant finance