• Clients Sales Grow With Factoring And Invoice Discounting

    Looking further into the ABFA (Asset Based Finance Association) statistics to March 2012 for factoring and invoice discounting in the UK (amongst their members) there was an increase in client's sales turnover of 6.5% on the previous year. Even accounting for the 1.1% growth in just UK-based factoring and invoice discounting clients amongst the ABFA's membership that still leaves volume growth of 5.4%. This growth amongst factoring and invoice discounting users compares very favourably with the changes in UK GDP (Gross Domestic Product) reported by the Office for National Statistics over the same period:

    • 0.1% fall in UK GDP in Q2 2011
    • 0.6% growth in UK GDP in Q3 2011
    • 0.3% fall in UK GDP in Q4 2011
    • 0.3% fall in UK GDP in Q1 2012


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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
time finance
funding invoice
giant finance