• Cost Savings To Move Invoice Finance Companies

    Invoice finance "cost savings" were the key requirement that existing invoice finance clients said they needed in order to move invoice finance companies. These results came from FundInvoice's market research survey of 100 existing invoice finance clients across a variety of different invoice finance companies.

    What Will Make Clients Move Invoice Finance Companies?

    We asked them "would anything make you move to an alternative invoice finance company?". Only 5% said they wouldn't move but the remaining 95% stated what would motivate them to move. Of the answers that were given to this question the top answer, that accounted for 78% of the answers given, was "cost savings". The next most popular response was "personal service" which accounted for only 9% of the answers given.

    Which Invoice Finance Companies Can Help You Save Money?

    This suggests that existing invoice finance users are generally getting what they need from their provider but their main concern is over saving money on the cost of their factoring or invoice discounting facility. The good news for them is that there are some very cheap invoice finance deals available at the moment and there are invoice finance companies that can help you save money on your existing fees and costs. Check how competitive your invoice finance costs are.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
giant finance
apollo business finance