• Difficulty Finding The Funding To Start A Factoring Company

    There have been numerous new entrants into the invoice finance market recently with more new start invoice finance companies rumoured to be planned. All positive for us as it gives our clients more choice. The big problem for new entrants seems to be finding the backing and funding line in order to start a factoring and invoice discounting company.

    Those that want to set up an invoice finance company seem to fall into two groups, the "haves" and "have nots". The "haves" have the contacts to access multi-million pound funding lines from investors and the "have nots" don't!

    Sadly, there are several talented individuals within the invoice finance industry that want to start factoring and invoice finance companies on their own but don't have contacts with the funding, or need other industry people with different skill sets e.g. sales, client management or finance. Similarly there are investors who would be interested in funding the invoice finance sector, which can yield a good investment return, without experienced individuals in which to invest.

    If you are interested in funding a new start invoice finance company or you want to start one get in touch in confidence and perhaps we can put parties together.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
funding invoice