• FundingVoice February 2020 - Funding RPO Invoices At 90 Percent

    The February 2020 edition of FundingVoice magazine is now available.The February 2020 edition of FundingVoice magazine has just been sent out to our subscriber list.

    FundingVoice February 2020

    This month we headlined with a case study about a recruiter that needed 90% funding against their RPO debtor. We explain how were able to help them find an enhanced level of prepayments.

    We have an article prompted by a number of enquiries about featuring on our site, in FundingVoice and on our social media channels. This is something that can be offered in some cases, and will give you access to our subscriber base of finance seekers and key individuals from around the UK business finance sector.

    You can read our February edition here: FundingVoice February 2020.

    This Month's Articles

    This edition also includes a selection articles that we have published over the course of the last month or so. These include:

    • How we helped arrange funding for a business that had a Time To Pay arrangement with HMRC, and was also dealing with a single debtor (often both problems for traditional funders). These were problems that we were able to help them overcome.

    • There are changes to IR35 looming that will affect some recruiters. We have pulled together some useful information to help you understand the changes and avoid penalties.

    • We also shared another case study about the numerous benefits that one client enjoyed, as a result of moving between factoring companies. Not only did they find service improvements, they also secured a substantial cost saving in the process.


    As always, we suggest that you subscribe to our magazine (free of charge) in order to ensure that you receive future additions immediately that they are released, direct to your inbox. We do not use your email address for any other purposes and we will not pass it on to any third parties without your consent in advance.

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Examples of funders we work with:

giant finance
time finance