• FundingVoice January 2021 Full Value Invoice Purchase

    Full Value Invoice Purchase - FundingVoice January 2021

    FundingVoice January 2021 is now available online, you can download it, free of charge, here:

    FundingVoice January 2021

    It's the first edition of the year, so we wanted to start by wishing all our readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! It has been a difficult year for many UK businesses, but we have been doing our best to help those that have cash flow problems, or that need additional working capital to help support the efforts to fight the virus.

    These are the main stories that we included in this edition.

    FundingVoice January 2021 - Invoice Purchase At Full Value

    In this edition there are details of a funder that will buy invoices outright at full value (less the fee), effectively releasing a 100% prepayment (less the fee). This might be a great option if you need access to more cash than you is being generated via your existing, traditional invoice finance facility.

    We Are Awards Finalists

    See details of our recent success in making the finals of the 2021 Business Moneyfacts awards, for the 7th consectutive year. We are very grateful to everyone that has provided us with a testimonial.

    Paying Deferred VAT

    How you can clear any deferred VAT liabilities, to escape the burden of that debt and avoice the need to continue to seek deferral arrangements.

    Calculating Prepayments

    If you want to know exactly how prepayments are calculated, we set out full details with examples.

    Funding Accountants

    A case study of a deal where we found funding for a firm of accountants that worked primarily with dentists.


    It always takes me a while to get the latest copy up onto our site. If you want to get the latest updates as soon as they are published please subscribe to FundingVoice. That way we will email you the latest edition of the magazine each month, as soon as it comes out.

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
time finance