• May 2019 FundingVoice Magazine Now Online.

    The May 2019 edition of FundingVoice magazine is now available online.FundingVoice the May 2019 edition of magazine is now available online.

    You can see it in our catalogue of back issues of our invoice finance, and business funding magazine.

    May 2019 FundingVoice - "I Simply Won't Use Any Other Broker"

    The April 2019 edition includes a great testimonial from a client "I simply won't use any other broker".

    We also have market sizing information, both globally and the UK penetration of £1M+ companies. This edition includes our free guides about how to get the best invoice finance pricing, and how to move providers.

    Lastly, we have a roundup of the news stories I have picked up on over the last month, including an award for Marketinvoice and news from Ultimate Finance about how they are reorganising in order to maximise their growth potential.

    To make sure you receive future copies each month, direct to your inbox, please subscribe for free.

    Do You Have A Unique Article To Contribute?

    If you would like to contribute a relevant and unique article, to a future edition of the magazine, please get in contact with us on 03330 113622. FundingVoice is emailed out to a substantial database of subscribers, in addition to the content being hosted on our website.

    We are able to include direct response links for any providers that contribute articles. This means that prospects can respond direct to you, via our site, without the prospect being introduced to other competitors.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank sme finance
ultimate finance group
apollo business finance