• The September 2019 Edition Of FundingVoice Is Out Now

    The September 2019 edition of FundingVoice magazine is out now.The September 2019 edition of FundingVoice magazine is out now. This is our monthly e-magazine that we email to our database of subscribers.

    FundingVoice September 2019

    This edition includes a selection of our recent news articles relating to the invoice financing sector.

    These include:

    • What's going on at Optimum Finance? Details of our recent interview with Richard Pepler, the CEO of Optimum Finance. He gave us some insights into recent developments and achievements at Optimum.

    • The Reverse Charge VAT Change - details of the delayed change to the payment of VAT in respect of construction services. and the effect it could have on the cash flow of construction sector businesses.

    • How the service economy has contributed to overall growth in the UK economy during the month of July 2019, which could help the UK avoid a technical recession during Q3 2019.

    • A testimonial from a client that was undertaking an acquisition. We received a five star rating from them and some kind words about the funding facility that we helped them to access.

    • The cost of NOT switching invoice finance companies is the subject of our final article. It is a cost study based on the possible savings from moving between sales finance companies. When you work out the details, as we have, you could be passing up the chance to save every month that you stay with your existing funder.

    Read It Online

    You can read it online here: FundingVoice September 2019 - "What Is Going On At Optimum Finance?".

    We recommend that you subscribe to ensure that you receive future editions as soon as they are released. It's very simple, just enter your email address and then we send you a confirmation email where you click on a link to confirm your free subscription. We only use your email address to send you these monthly releases, and we won't pass on your email address to third parties, without your consent.

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Examples of funders we work with:

time finance
apollo business finance