• Education Finance And Education Cash Flow

    Education finance.There are a few invoice finance companies that are now able to offer Education Finance.

    Education Finance

    It is offered to education providers, such that they can receive an advance and secure a line of credit against their funding payments. The funding payments are received from Government, so from the financier's perspective that is a good quality debt against which to provide funding.

    The Benefits

    This kind of funding means that education sector organisations don't have to wait around for the Government to provide funding, before they can access some of that money, drastically improving their cash flow.

    If you would like more information about Education Finance please contact us or call Sean on: 03330 113622 

    Outside Education

    If you are in another sector outside of education but are having problems getting paid by local authorities we have put together some general advice for you about chasing local authorities for payment. We also have a full credit control guide that can help you undertake your own invoice collection and credit control function. The guide sets out the basics required to set up and run an effective credit control process, and it has links to items such as examples of what you should include in your invoices and credit notes, formats for chasing letters and tips on credit control calls.

    If you are not being paid promptly enough, and you want to improve your cash flow. funding can be provided against invoices to both Government and non-governmental debtors, across most industry sectors.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
ultimate finance group
leumi abl