• FundInvoice LLP Launched - New, Free Invoice Finance, Factoring & Invoice Finance Quotation Search Service

    I have launched FundInvoice LLP, a new invoice finance brokerage, with my business partner Sean Morrow.

    FundInvoice will offer a free, independent quotation search service for invoice finance, factoring, invoice discounting, trade finance and asset finance offering a completely personal service.

    An exciting new project to get off the ground, the website is under construction but should be up and running shortly. We will have a new, free funding related monthly publication so details of that will also follow.

    In the meantime if we can help anyone with a free quotation search for invoice finance please contact us on: [email protected] and we will be only too pleased to help.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
metro bank sme finance
pulse cashflow finance