• Bank Overdrafts Are Being Restrictive Or Unavailable - Invoice Finance Is Often The Solution

    OK so it's not a statistically relevant sample size but I have just looked back through the last five cases of invoice finance deals we have completed that I have posted up on the blog and in 3 of the 5 cases there were issues with the existing bank overdraft either being restrictive against the funding needs of the business or not being available at all. Surprising just how common overdraft restrictions have become.

    The good news is that in all of those cases were able to find the prospective client an invoice finance facility that improved upon the level of funding that they could get from bank overdraft and the invoice finance facilities were readily available. In most cases where they have had their overdraft restricted we are able to present our clients with a choice of invoice finance companies, its not just one or two that are hungry for new business.

    So if you are having issues with restrictions or lack of availability of overdraft invoice finance is likely to be an option that may generate more funding for your business across a choice of invoice finance companies.

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