• New Cash Flow Finance Product Launched - Will Beat Your Existing Quote By 10%

    One of our funding partners has just launched a new cash flow funding product, an alternative to overdraft, that is simple, has a single fee, a 6 month trial period and the options of confidentiality and bad debt protection.

    The product provides a business with 85% of their invoice value as soon as they raise the invoice - the remaining 15% (less their fee of between 0.95% and 2.95% dependent upon your turnover) is passed onto you when the customer pays.

    The service costs between 0.95% and 2.95% of your invoice value and they offer to beat your existing quote by 10%! There is a small additional charge if you want the facility to be confidential from your customers or if you want bad debt protection.

    You also get a 6 month trial period when you can leave the service without penalty charges.

    For the full details, terms and conditions please contact us and the team will put you in touch.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank sme finance
giant finance
funding invoice
pulse cashflow finance