• Please Resubscribe Or Offers And Updates Will Cease

    Please resubscribe to FundingVoice magazine to continue receiving offers and updates.


    What's Happened

    FundingVoice magazine is sent out by email each month to our database of subscribers. It contains all our latest updates, offers and information relating to the invoice finance sector.

    We have removed a number of legitimate subscribers from our list, as we are moving towards double opt in only as a subscription process. Therefore, you will need to subscribe again, if you haven't used the form on our website and clicked on a confirmation email.

    Please Resubscribe To FundingVoice Magazine Of You Won't Receive It

    The subscription form is here: RESUBSCRIBE NOW

    Using the form will trigger a confirmation email, where you have to click the link in order to confirm your subscription. You will also get optional access to our e-book "The Startup Wizard - How To Start A Business".

    I would stress again that if you don't complete this process you will no longer receive our updates.

    Double Opt-In

    Double opt-in is a process by which you sign up to become a subscriber. It means that you enter your details, then you are sent a confirmation email. The email requires you to click on a link in the email, which confirms your subscription. This is the safest way of operating a permission based list, and is a belt and braces way of complying with GDPR.

    We make sure that we only send our subscribers our monthly newsletter (which often doesn't make it onto our site until much later). We also don't share or sell our subscribers with/too anyone else. You can unsubscribe using the link at the foot of every email that we send out. Therefore, please use the link above to reconfirm your subscription, otherwise you will cease receiving our updates with immediate effect.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank sme finance
ultimate finance group
time finance