• Historic Trend In Invoice Finance Market Penetration

    In the continuing UK Invoice Finance Market Research Group discussion about market penetration on LinkedIn I was asked if I had statistics for the historic trend in the market penetration of invoice finance products.

    Whilst I have nothing directly comparable, I did a similar exercise detailed here: Historic Market Penetration and as you will see using BIS figures of 4.8m businesses in the UK at the beginning of 2008 and 40,746 ABFA member IF clients (at the end of Sept 2010 - so not a perfect comparison) at that time I estimated penetration at c.0.85% - note that at that point I hadn't thought to make an allowance for the non ABFA client numbers, but even with those added, I would think it has been pretty much flat, or possibly a very slight decline in market penetration. in 2011 and as you will see using BIS figures of 4.8m businesses in the UK at the beginning of 2008 and 40,746 ABFA member IF clients (at the end of Sept 2010 - so not a perfect comparison) at that time I estimated penetration at c.0.85% - note that at that point I hadn't thought to make an allowance for the non ABFA client numbers, but even with those added, I would think it has been pretty much flat, or possibly a very slight decline in market penetration.

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