• 5 Star Testimonial From A Composites Manufacturer We Found Invoice Factoring

    A testimonial from a composites manufacturer that we helped find invoice factoring.

    Testimonials from customers are the best way to promote our business. This is a recent 5-star testimonial that we received from the Managing Director of a composites manufacturing company, that we helped find an invoice factoring facility.

    Testimonial From A Composites Manufacturer

    This is what the Managing Director, and owner, of the composites manufacturer, said about the service received from FundInvoice:

    "5 out of 5!

    "As a result of their knowledge and persistence, Sean at FundInvoice were able to secure Invoice Factoring for us where others had failed. Working in a niche sector and on a complicated project, FundInvoice made the correct recommendations and supported me throughout the process. I am sincerely thankful for their help".

    Wonderful feedback was received from another happy FundInvoice client.

    Invoice Factoring

    Invoice factoring is a facility that delivers two benefits to clients who use the service. Firstly, it released prepayments against unpaid sales invoices. Secondly, it provides a credit control service that can mean that you don't need to employ your own credit control staff or undertake the task yourself. This can save you time and money.

    There are other add-on services that can be requested if required. These include bad debt protection, which protects you against customer failures causing unpaid debts.

    Composites Manufacturing

    Composites are materials made from one or more different types of material that when combined, are stronger than the component materials individually. For example, fibreglass is a composite made from glass fibres set in a tough polymer. Manufacturing is the production of these materials from their component raw materials.

    Manufacturers need to pay suppliers before they receive payment from their customers. They frequently turn to invoice factoring as the cash released from their sales invoices can be used to pay their suppliers. These are often payments for the raw materials required for production.

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Examples of funders we work with:

ultimate finance group
metro bank sme finance
pulse cashflow finance