Bibby Financial Services - Construction Finance

Bibby Financial Services (BFS) is the largest independent invoice finance company in the UK, with a network of nationwide offices. They were formed in 1982 and are a subsidiary of the Bibby Line Group. In addition to invoice financing for a wide variety of UK trades, they provide Bibby Construction Finance, specialist funding to the construction sector.

Bibby Construction Finance

Bibby Construction Finance is a specialist division that has been funding sub-contractors in construction for over a decade.


How It Works

Bibby has a specialist team, including quantity surveyors, that are able to assess the complex contracts that are common place within the sector. This enables them to value the contract and set an appropriate funding level.

As you raise sales invoices or applications for payment, a prepayment percentage is released against each transaction. This prepayment will typically be set between 40% and 80%.

Funding can be offered to companies within the sector, against:

  • Staged billing.
  • Contractual debt.
  • Certified applications for payment.
  • Uncertified applications for payment.
  • Final accounts.
  • Single debtor situations.

More information about how construction finance works.


Finance can be provided via a range of products, including:

  • Factoring - you receive both funding and a credit control service.
  • Confidential factoring - a factoring service conducted in the name of your business, so customers are unaware that you use the service.
  • Confidential invoice discounting - funding only (you handle the credit control) provided without advising your customers.
  • Bad debt protection - which can be combined with the products above to protect your company against customer bad debts.


Criteria are subject to change but include:

  • Construction sector companies with turnover of £250K+.
  • New startup companies.
  • The directors of the company do need to be homeowners.


Individual quotes are provided on application.

A bundled fee, "1 Simple Fee" pricing approach is available to smaller companies with less than £100K funds in use.

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Examples of funders we work with:

apollo business finance
pulse cashflow finance
time finance