15.5 Years Average Age Of Companies Using Invoice Finance

We found that 15.5 years was the average age of the companies that we surveyed in our Invoice Finance Recommendation & Advertising Suvey (May 2015 - 100 respondents). These companies were not selected according to age, rather by the fact that they all were existing users of invoice finance services such as factoring and invoice discounting.

Company Age Range

The range of company ages ran from 3 years old right up to 67 years old, with 82% being 20 years old or less. The diagram below shows the distribution of ages within our sample:

Invoice Finance User Average Age


This survey suggests that all ages of business turn to invoice finance as a source of business funding. It can be as suitable for businesses that have been established for decades as it can be for those that are newly formed. Whilst there were no new startups within our sample (not by design) it can also be used by new start-up businesses that have no trading history.

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Examples of funders we work with:

metro bank sme finance
giant finance