The Best Kept Secret Source Of Business Finance

Invoice Finance is a simple working capital finance solution that releases the money that is normally tied up in unpaid sales invoices. When you raise an invoice on credit terms the invoice finance company gives you most of the value of that invoice immediately bridging the gap until your customer pays and you receive the balance of the invoice value less a charge for the service.

Simple? However, so few businesses are aware of invoice finance that you would have thought it was a secret product.

Here are a few statistics from our market research surveys: 

  • 100% of businesses we questioned said that if they had more finance they could exceed their growth projections for the next year.
  • 31% of new start-up businesses and 59% of fast-growth businesses (20%+ growth per annum)  told us that they were unable to raise all the funding they needed (none of them with funding restrictions had even considered invoice finance).
  • 80% of businesses said they hadn't seen any invoice finance advertising over the last year.
  • 42% of SMEs were unable to name even a single invoice finance company.

We estimate that less than 1% of UK businesses use invoice finance but despite the lack of awareness of the products as a funding solution for businesses, there are numerous invoice finance companies with substantial amounts of funding ready to provide to UK businesses and funds can be released within a few days.

Read more about SME Invoice Finance.

The funding invoice finance companies can provide often exceeds what can be raised through conventional funding sources such as bank overdrafts and bank loans.


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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
leumi abl
time finance
apollo business finance