Single Invoice Finance - All The Options Explained


Single Invoice Finance or single invoice financing are terms that clients often use to cover several different requirements such as:

  • Financing just one sales invoice in a one-off transaction - with NO ongoing obligation to use the service again.
  • A single invoice as small as £2,000 can be financed, sometimes even smaller.
  • Selective invoice finance - selecting particular invoices to receive funding against (also called spot).
  • Single debtor invoice finance - financing the invoices to just one debtor.

We can help you with any of the above and can explain all the options that are available including putting you in touch with the providers that offer those facilities. Each of the four options above is explained in turn below.

Single Invoice Finance

As the name suggests in some cases you can raise finance against just one single invoice. Some of the invoice finance companies will consider this if the circumstances are right i.e. the transaction size, the quality of the debtor and the nature of the debt. Several invoice finance auction platforms will allow you to attract funding against single invoices or batches of invoices. We can put you in touch with providers of single invoice finance or search for quotations on your behalf.

This type of facility often appeals when clients don't want to be tied into a contract for any period, but the cost of such funding will vary vastly between different providers.

Additional setup fees and other ongoing charges can vary between financiers.

See a Case Study About Factoring One Invoice

Selective Invoice Finance

Some customers don't just want finance against one single invoice, what they want is to be able to pick and choose which invoices they will receive funding against. This is called selective invoice finance and it allows them to control the cost of the finance. There are a variety of invoice finance companies that will provide this kind of facility and we can put you in touch with them or obtain quotes for you.

Single Debtor Invoice Finance

Rather than finance against just one invoice, "single debtor invoice finance" is finance against just one single customer or debtor. In some cases, clients only have one customer which is not a problem for some invoice finance companies and depends upon the quality of the end debtor to a large extent combined with the nature of the sales. Some clients may want to select just one debtor of many against which to receive finance. Again this is possible although not all invoice finance companies will offer this type of flexibility.

The Alternative Option To Single Invoice Finance - Whole Turnover

Just to complete the options it is worth mentioning the more mainstream alternative to single invoice finance, whole turnover invoice finance. As the name describes all the sales of a business fall under the facility and hence funding is against all eligible invoices. This can dramatically boost the amount of funding raised and there is a cost advantage in financing all your sales, a kind of bulk discount if you like. In some cases, funding just single invoices or selected invoices for small periods can be proportionately more expensive but we can look at your requirements. and find the various options for you.

Applying Online For Single Invoice Finance

If you are seeking single invoice finance or any of the options described above we can help: APPLY FOR SINGLE INVOICE FINANCE

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Examples of funders we work with:

funding invoice
time finance